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5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Your Junk

indoor design

Welcome to your blog post. Use this space to connect with your readers and potential customers in a way that’s current and interesting. Think of it as an ongoing conversation where you can share updates about business, trends, news, and more.

Step 1 Start by Removing Your Trash

“The best time to start removing trash is right after Christmas. In with the new out with the old!"

Every layout comes with the latest social features built-in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments, and more. With Wix, building your online community has never been easier.

Step 2 Start Small

Organize one thing or area at a time. It can be overwhelming at first to figure out what to start with first. Maybe start with a small kitchen cabinet or with that junk drawer that you have been meaning to clean. Don't procrastinate start small.

Step 3 Sort Your Stuff for Keeping, Donating, Trashing, and Selling

Making a small amount of pocket change will make organizing worth it!"

With four piles for keeping, donating, trashing, and selling, your decluttering time will pass quickly.

Step 4 Use Storage Organizing Helpers

One example, you could purchase a new shelf to place the pictures that you've been meaning to hang. Other examples would be to buy a shelf to put your keys on when you get home or kitchen utensil containers. Organizing Helpers can make sorting and placing that much easier.

Step 5 Organize Similar Items Together

This step is easier than you think. Simply take tools and put them in a toolbox. Dishes go in cabinets and toys go in the kid's room. Don't overthink it.


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