This project took me a couple of days and the length of time is kinda determined by how long you want you paint to cure. I am not going to describe in detail and have you read my meaningless chatter of how I came about doing this. Therefore the supplies needed for this project are:
This can be treated or not it is up to you.

Enough to cut into 4-52 inch pieces and 2-14 inch end pieces.
The length of your bench can be smaller it is just your preference!

Rope any size and enough to wrap around the legs of your bench if you choose to do this.

3/8 in. Black Double Point Staples-At least 15 may use more if you would like.

48- #8-3 inch wood screws

Paint any type you want as long as you spray a clear top coat
I used the paints below but in a navy gloss
You can you craft paint from any store for the decorations but make sure you finish with the clear top coat to seal.

Bench after being sanded to even the surfaces. Please Note: The legs of the bench does not need to be evened out too much as the rope you add will make it even on all legs.

Bench after first spray painting navy layer; second painting craft layer; and third spraying a clear coat to seal in the paint.

Adding rope:
1) Start at the top and nail your double staple into the bench over the rope.

2) Start winding the rope around the legs occasionally nailing a staple to the leg to hold it in place it is really your preference on how many. (Years of wear and just now posting!)

3) Wind the rope to the bottom of the leg and keep winding into a tight circle nailing staples to hold it down. This extra rope on the bottom with even out your bench. Enjoy!
